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Why you must know your Ayurveda Dosha to transform your health and overall wellbeing?

I’m so excited to share today the concept of body type also known as Ayurveda Dosha in Sanskrit. Understanding and adopting this concept is crucial for your Pursuit To Health.

This is one of the most important reasons why not only I’ve managed to lose 35kgs but also maintained a strong, lean, healthy, disease-free body for the past many years.

In this article, I’ll break down the fundamental principles of Ayurveda Dosha and why you should consider incorporating this tool into your health and fitness journey.

Also, in the coming weeks, I’ll create a detailed Dosha quiz and easy steps you can take to create balance in your life. Subscribe to the Wisdom Letter so that you don’t miss out!


What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system of wellbeing that originated in India around 5000 years ago. In Sanskrit “Ayur,” meaning life, and “Veda,” knowledge, Ayurveda is the science of life.  Ayurveda is also often called the “Mother of All Healing” as it focuses on a holistic mind, body, soul wellbeing, and healing.

This is the opposite of the modern world “one-size-fits-all” approach. This one of many reasons why I’m so passionate about raising more awareness of this ancient wisdom.

The fundamental belief of this ancient science is that health and wellness depend on a gentle balance between the mind, body, and spirit. It focuses on the proactive approach of promoting good health, not the reactive approach to fighting disease.

Understanding this science will help you observe the signs of imbalances as they occur and treating them more holistically from the root. 

This Science of life provides an individualistic approach based on a belief that each of us has a unique Dosha, or body constitution which has different needs and must be addressed through how we eat, move, think and live in our own living space.

Understanding the basics

Before we deep dive into this concept, let’s understand few basics which you will often come across in Ayurveda.

Five Elements

According to Ayurveda human body constitution is made of these five basic elements found in nature, season & universe







This is the unique original constitution each of us born with and doesn’t change throughout life. It is made of our parents’ disposition and determines our key physical, emotional and mental traits.

It’s almost like a blueprint or similar to our unique fingerprint.


This is the vitiation from the original constitution due to environmental and lifestyle factors. This represents the nature of imbalance and your current state.

Three Dosha (Body) Types

Each of us is born with a unique blend of three Dosha’s which is known as Prakriti.

Prakriti represents the unique physical, emotional and mental traits known as “qualities,” which can be used to describe us and everything around us.

Usually, one Dosha is more dominant than others in each of us. However, it’s also possible that you may have a second Dosha equally dominant (Bi-doshic) or three of the Dosha’s are dominant (Tri-doshic). The later is quite uncommon.

I’m a Bi-doshic combination of Pitta and Kapha Dosha.

We are at peak of our overall wellbeing when our unique blend of three Dosha’s is balanced to our Prakriti. Often, as we grow older due to environmental and lifestyle factors, our dominant Dosha tends to become imbalanced creating Vikriti

We push ourselves off balance from time to time in our lifetime. Ayurvedic wisdom helps you to be aware of when you are off-balance and how you can bring balance, equilibrium again with an easy & gentle approach.

When your Vikriti is way off from your Prakriti it can create symptoms like bloating, rashes, spots, hot flushes, itchy skin, sore gums, gas, stomach upsets, tiredness, depression, anger, or anxiety. If you don’t address these early signs then it creates disease in the long run.

It’s important to own your own Dosha type. No one Dosha is better than others. 

Also, remember when you take a Dosha quiz keep in mind you may be already in Vikriti state. So, you might not get a true understanding of your original Dosha until you bring balance.

Vata Dosha Snapshot




Vata Dosha represents movement driven by elements of Air & Space.

If you are dominant in Vata Dosha, you should consider diet and lifestyle choices which helps you to stabilize and ground this moving energy. 

Dosha Qualities

Dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile and clear

Dosha Season

Fall, change of seasons

Physical Traits

Thin, very active, dry skin and hair, variable appetite and digestion, too tall or short

Mental Traits

Fast learner, flexibility, creativity, great communicator, alert, restless. 

Key words to remember to create balance: Grounding, Warming, Routine.

Prakriti (When Balanced)

When balanced to original blueprint, they are highly creative & great communicator.

Vikriti (When imbalanced)

When this Dosha is imbalanced, it can become unstable, anxious, and less confident. Also, it leads both physical and energetic depletion creating bodily disorders such as dry skin and constipation etc.

Pata Dosha Snapshot




Pitta Dosha represents strong digestion and metabolism driven by Fire & Water.

If you are dominant in Pitta Dosha, you should consider diet and lifestyle choices which focus on cooling substance and moderation.

Dosha Qualities

Oily, hot, light, mobile, dispersing and liquid,

Dosha Season


Physical Traits

Medium height and build, strong metabolism, good digestion and strong appetites, warm body, silky hair

Mental Traits

Sharp intelligence, joy, courage, willpower, anger, jealousy, 

Key words to remember to create balance: Cooling, Moderation, Calming.

Prakriti (When Balanced)

When balanced to original blueprint, they are highly intelligent, joyful & great leaders.

Vikriti (When imbalanced)

When this Dosha is imbalanced, it can become fiery, rage, and egoistic. Imbalance in the body leads to infection, inflammation, rashes, skin issues, ulcers, heartburn, and fever.

Kapha Dosha Snapshot




Kapha Dosha represents lubrication driven by Earth & Water.

If you are dominant in Kapha Dosha, you should consider diet and lifestyle choices which help you to stimulate, keep warm and light.

Dosha Qualities

Heavy, Slow, Cool, Oily, Smooth, Dense, Soft, Stable, Gross, Cloudy

Dosha Season

Wet seasons

Physical Traits

Oily & smooth skin, big eyes & long lashes, larger bone structure & naturally athletic

Mental Traits

Loving, compassionate, calm, tolerant, forgiving, greed, attachment. 

Key words to remember to create balance: Stimulating, Drying, light


Prakriti (When Balanced)

When balanced to the original blueprint, they are highly super compassionate, loving & methodical.

Vikriti (When imbalanced)

When this Dosha is imbalanced, it can become lethargic, greedy, attachment, and depression. Physical imbalance can lead to obesity, sinus congestion, and anything related to mucous.


important reasons why you should know your Ayurveda Dosha to transform overall wellbeing

As you can understand by now, Ayurveda emphasizes and encourages a holistic & wholesome way of living balancing mind, body, soul.

This is achieved predominantly by diets, body movements, routines & rituals, and a positive mindset. Once our Dosha’s are balanced, it transforms into a healthier body, higher mental performance & productivity, inner peace & contentment. 

Let’s now look into detail why having knowledge of your Dosha and understanding how to balance can help to transform your health and overall wellbeing taking to the next level.

The knowledge of Ayurveda has transformed my health and overall wellbeing.

Knowing your Dosha allows you to craft your workout and movement plan for the peak performance considering all Dosha qualities and not creating Vikriti anywhere else in your body and mind. 

After my initial 35kgs of weight loss, I struggled to reduce further body fat percentage that I was targeting. I amplified workout frequency, duration, and even a cleaner diet. The improvements were insignificant. 

When I learned more about my Dosha and Prakriti, it started to make a lot of sense. Straightway, I was able to pinpoint where I was going wrong in my exercise routine. Soon after I made small changes, I noticed material improvements on overall performance and stamina.

Some of these changes were as simple as changing the time of workout from morning to evening, incorporating cardio, etc. I have both Pitta- Kapha Dosha’s dominant in my Prakriti.

As Pitta, it’s important for me to work out in the cooler part of the day so that my body doesn’t get overheated to already fiery Pitta condition creating imbalance. At the same time due to Kapha, I struggled to have a great workout performance in the morning as it takes time for Kapha’s body to wake up everything inside. So the perfect balance for my workout time is the evening.

We are what we eat. Blindly following any diet trend and program without understanding your own Dosha and qualities is a sure recipe for failure. 

This is the precise reason despite many attempts in the past, I was not able to lose weight and sustain for the long term. Once I developed my personal diet and workout plan to align with my fitness goals incorporating Ayurvedic wisdom, I got real results.

I absolutely paid not a single dollar to buy any meal plan or a gym membership to achieve this result. It was done simply by educating myself and taking smart actions. 

Understanding your Dosha offers you the powerful opportunity to make smarter food choices that are aligned to your Prakriti.

As a Pitta-Kapha, I have to keep a watch on the amount of spicy food and rice I’m eating even though I love them. Overeating these foods created an imbalance in my body in the past resulting in inflammations and weight gain. However, these foods might be good for Vata Dosha creating a balance for them.

Making food choices in this way will liberate you from all the confusion around different diet trends. This is the key to longevity, vitality, energy, and stamina.


Understanding the qualities of your Dosha and each season can help prevent imbalances as weather changes. Generally, predominant Dosha increases during the season it governs. So by designing diet, exercise, and routine, it is possible to pacify and not aggravate it. 

Fall to early winter is the Vata season when the weather is cold, dry, hard, and rough. These are very similar qualities to Vata Dosha. To ensure Vata Dosha is balanced its best to avoid cold, raw foods and replace it with warm cooked foods.

Similarly, since the air movement is strong during this time, it’s important to ensure Vata Dosha is grounded by incorporating daily rituals like grounding, meditation, and body massage with warm sesame oil, etc. 

Adopting a daily routine is a very purposeful and enduring act of self-love. In Ayurveda, it allows you to design your personal self-care ritual based on your dosha.

Crafting a daily routine that focuses on optimum exercise, rest and spiritual nourishments is the best gift you can give to yourself. Incorporating simple practices like dry body brushing, oil massage, oil pooing can significantly improve overall wellbeing.

According to Ayurveda, if there is a Vikriti in you dosha not only it will reflect on your physical body but also your emotional state.

As a Pitta-Kapha, whenever I get fiery or competitive, I now know where to pay attention to create more harmony in my life.

This is the beauty of our body that before anything becomes an issue there is always a sign our body sends. It’s just a matter of spotting those signs early enough to mitigate any further risk of becoming a disease.

Having a basic knowledge of Ayurveda can be one of the powerful tools in your toolbox to address this.

I’m someone who appreciates and enjoys deep meaningful conversations. I always love adding extra doses of motivational reading, a podcast in my daily routine. I used to think this is just how I’m. But learning about my dosha, now I know that’s that reflection of Kapha dosha qualities in my life. 

To live a wholesome life, it is crucial that we invest time and energy for the things that positively stimulate our minds and nourish our souls. If you are a Vata dosha, you might enjoy a hike with friends whereas Pitta dosha loves social gatherings.

Every person’s body is a special combination of the five elements. Those elements present themselves in a diverse array of physical characteristics, including structure and size. Rather than a singular cultural image of beauty,

Ayurveda offers multiple healthy variations of size and shape. Vata individuals usually possess thin and delicate frames, Pitta bodies tend to be strong and sleek, while Kapha bodies reveal beauty through curves and fullness.

Knowing your dosha gives you permission to love your body in all its uniqueness without feeling compelled to force yourself into a shape that is not your natural expression. Vitality and beauty come in many variations. Understanding your Dosha helps you know what shape is healthy and natural for your unique body.

Understanding your Dosha provides a pathway to the creation of health, vitality, and joy on every level. Once you see how the elements express in your body and mind, and how those elements respond to various lifestyle factors, you can consciously choose actions that create balance, stability, and health.

As your focus shifts from the manipulation of external factors to the balancing of your elemental structures, you will find that you are effortlessly able to craft a life that radiates well-being.

Share with us in the comments section below, what is you Ayurvedic Dosha and what do you do to keep it balanced?
I would love to hear from you, so please tag me @iamtaslimbegum on Instagram.
Lots of love & light from my soul to yours! 

P.S. Please remember to always consult with your doctor or health practitioner before trying any new health, diet, or lifestyle practice.