Images Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash
Well, I have great news for you! You already have this super tool and it’s called “Intuition”.
Alongside with your logical brain (conscious mind), you can use the power of your Intuition (subconscious mind) to make decisions effortlessly, big or small.
In my opinion, this is the most effective and powerful tool available at our disposal where we can incorporate brain & heart intelligence to create positive transformational shifts in our life.
There are many successful people like Oprah Winfrey who used in their life. Intuition exists in all of us, whether we acknowledge it or not.
The most interesting fact is that you’re already using it knowingly or unknowingly. The more you can learn about it, the more you can use it to shape your life for the better.
Both in my professional & personal life, I use intuitive guidance daily. I use intuition to find the best café, to get a good car deal, taking the next big step in a career, finding likeminded people to connect and the list goes on.
Honestly, whenever I combined intuition with my analytical mind to make choices in life, the outcome turned out to be the best ones every single time!
In this blog post, I will give you a step by step walkthrough to learn more about intuition and ways to incorporate this super tool in your daily life.
This will create positive transformations and make your day to day decision making process a fun exercise. let’s get you empowered and confident to use this super tool.
Wait….......for my logical minded friends, before you dismiss this idea as a woo-woo or spiritual concept, let me share that it is now a scientifically-backed powerful skill – an ability to learn to trust your gut can be a competitive advantage in both professional and personal life.
A few weeks ago, I went on a weekend getaway trip to the Blue Mountains with one of my girlfriend. Although we managed to book accommodations before the trip, we haven’t booked any other activities or restaurants prior to the trip.
Few days leading up to the trip, my friend kept asking me about what I would like to do and where we would want to eat, etc. For some reason this time, I was very casual about this trip and organizing everything. This is the very opposite of my personality as I’m the one who usually likes to plan and organize everything to the dot.
On the first day when we arrived there, to my surprise, we found out that most of the good restaurants in the local area have been booked out for the entire weekend. But, we kept trying our luck by visiting one after another restaurant for dinner.
So, we walked into one of the very popular cocktail bar & restaurant who got really good reviews online. I saw the menu and immediately felt their food would be really good. I asked the waiter if they have a table available for us and without a blink, the waiter responded they booked out for the next 2 weeks.
I was upset and getting frustrated at that point.
As I was walking out of the restaurant, something inside me whispered to put our names down on the waiting list. So I went back to the waiter and asked them if he could put us down on the waiting list for the next evening dinner.
He said it’s very unlikely there will be any cancellation and even their waiting list is quite long. Upon my request, he took down our names very reluctantly. As I was walking out of the restaurant, I told my friend that we will come back here for dinner tomorrow night with a strong knowing inside of me. My friend gave me a very confused sarcastic look.
The next day, around mid-day, we still haven’t received any confirmation from that restaurant. My friend was getting worried and wanted to book other places. But I kept having a feeling inside my stomach that we will get a table in that restaurant. So I told my friend, let’s finish our hike first and around 3 pm I will call the restaurant to check.
We finished our walk around 2.50 pm and as I switched on my mobile, there was a voice mail waiting for me with confirmation that we got a table in that restaurant for the dinner. I looked at my friend and gave the good news with a big smile on my face. I still remember the surprised look on her face.
You must be thinking, it’s a coincidence or miracle. But at this point in my life, I know with almost certainty that it was my Intuition which was guiding me in the right direction like many other times without a miss!
The same intuition whispered to me a few years back to tell me I was making a wrong decision as I was signing my marriage papers. I thought it was my fears & overthinking mind and I was too quick to ignore that intuitive guidance. Using my intuitive guidance for daily life has been a game-changer.
So what is this Intuition?
According to Psychologists intuition is an automatic and immediate feeling of knowledge, understanding, or awareness that is derived without any perception or reasoning. It’s an effortless feeling that often inspires you to act upon an idea. It comes suddenly and fluidly in a logical sense.
Intuition also sometimes known as the sixth sense, gut feeling or instinct, is the nagging feeling at your stomach or body that tells you to randomly call a friend or sends you a signal when something is off.
Unlike your logical mind which is often louder, Intuition is often the little voice or whispers inside you that tells you something is right or wrong but you cannot logically seem to explain.
Even though I’m not an expert in the scientific research area of this field, I can share that there is enough scientific research has been performed to conclude that Intuition is a very real psychological process that is a result of how human brains store, process and retrieve information on a subconscious level.

The key purpose of Intuition is to provide you with the information you need at that particular moment or phase of life.
Advantages of using intuitive guidance
Intuition can bring clarity and assist you in seeking a purpose in life. One of the greatest advantages of intuition is that it allows you to make decisions in complex and unfamiliar situations quickly and effectively.
People who rely on their intuition are more open to new ideas. The rational mind relies on logical patterns which can sometimes be limiting. Intuition, on the other hand, sees things that your rational mind is oblivious to, allowing you to recognize new opportunities.
Read energy of people
Intuition helps you read people. For instance, you might be talking to a client who says that he will hire your company, while his body suggests that he has no plans of working with you. Intuition can help you sense such signs, allowing you to tweak your approach to retain the client. Sometimes, this can be the difference between success and failure.
Risk Mitigation
Intuition also acts as a cautionary voice. Sometimes, you might overlook some risks even after carefully analyzing a situation rationally. Intuition can tell you when something feels off, allowing you to steer clear of situations that would have otherwise turned out badly.
Intuition gives you access to deeper intelligence and wisdom.
5 steps to sharpen intuition
Ways you can further develop and incorporate intuitive guidance in your daily life
Set Intentions
Well like anything else in life, the first and most important step is to set an intention to develop more awareness to start noticing your intuition.
Listen to feelings
Intuition is very subtle and more often than not, it comes in the form of vague clues.
Clam mind & reflect
Insights from the subconscious mind effortlessly flow when your mind is calm and relaxed.
Intuitive exercises
Once you get comfortable practicing the above steps, let’s get your subconscious mind into work.
Set Intention
Well like anything else in life, the first and most important step is to set an intention to develop more awareness to start noticing your intuition.
Once you are open to this idea, your subconscious mind will get busy to shower you with all the signs and messages in your life that you need. It’s like when you buy a new model of car, you start noticing that car model all the time on the streets afterward.
Listen to feelings and five senses
Early in my journey, I thought Intuition would be something that I will start hearing voices out of nowhere or seeing visuals all of a sudden. In reality, most of my intuitive cues were expressed in a form of somewhat noticeable feelings.
There have been many times when I met someone where I felt a heaviness in my body or mind within their presence which I could not make any sense. I have visited places where I did not get a good vibe. On the other hand, I felt joyful and uplifted surrounded by certain people or environments. There have been many times, where I had a random thought or idea that kept nagging me until I acted upon it. I now know these are all the signs my intuition trying to get my attention.
Intuition is very subtle and more often than not, it comes in the form of vague clues.
An uplifting and joyful mental state when you think of something or someone. An uneasy feeling in your stomach. A lucid dream. A cold sweat running down your spine. A hunch. A nagging feeling or thought that gives you a sense of certainty and knowing. Goosebumps. An image, a word, saying, or a song stuck in your head out of blue. These are some forms of intuitive cues and can be varied to individuals.
Next time when you identify any of these intuitive cues, take a note of it. You can keep a journal (if you fancy) or simply keep a record on your phone.
Some of the key things to note down are – What were you doing when the feeling came? Who were you with? What were you thinking about? What decision were you considering? What were the sensations you felt in the body? Did you see any flash image or things that not naturally expected in that environment?
By recording these cues, overtime you will identify a pattern that will help you to easily in tune with your intuitive feelings next time when you need it.
Clam mind & reflect
Insights from the subconscious mind effortlessly flow when your mind is calm and relaxed. The human mind has an average of 60,000 thoughts a day. So it is quite important to find moments in your daily life to calm your mind/nervous system so that you can start listening to those powerful inner whispers.
Depending on your lifestyle, there are various active and still activities you can do to calm your mind. An example of an active activity would be a mindful walk in nature, running, swimming, yoga, gardening, etc. A still form of activity would be meditation, journaling, mindfulness, breathwork.
The objective here is to shift your focus from chatty mind to bodily feelings. Once you finish your chosen form of activity, just notice what thoughts or ideas or feelings you are experiencing. Note down these ideas.
I use both active and still activities to nature my intuition. Most of my best intuitive ideas came after my long runs in the bushland while watching the beautiful sunset. The idea of creating this blog was one of many intuitive nudges I received after my run.
Trust the process
Someone like me who is naturally very logical and process things methodologically, I’m here to say at first, this process will not make a lot of sense. Sometimes, it might feel uncomfortable to trust your instincts putting your analytical brain in the back seat. But trust me, like anything else it gets better and fun as you practice more.
This is similar to you don’t build a muscle by lifting weights just going to the gym one day. Like body muscle, you develop this skill over time.
Therefore, it is likely to not make logical sense at first. You have to trust that you have intuition and it can help you with your decision-making process effectively.
Trusting your intuition is all about trusting yourself. Universe has given this beautiful gift to each of us so that we can reduce external dependencies and turn to ourselves for guidance.
Intuitive exercises
Once you get comfortable practicing the above steps, let’s get your subconscious mind into work.
I would suggest initially you start with small decisions.
Maybe you want to try out a new restaurant in the coming weekend and you are confused about where to go. An example of an exercise you can do is that you can search online for options. Then take notice to see any particular restaurant in the search results grabs your attention. Look into their menu, does it invoke joy, excitement, or any other sensations in your body as an example. If yes, shortlist that option and ask your subconscious mind to show any signs if it’s going to be a good one.
Now mindfully observe any signs you see, hear or feel for the next few days. Sometimes a sign can be a random advertisement that comes up on the radio/TV for that restaurant, someone recommends you that place, somehow the plan gets canceled or you come across a great deal for the same restaurant. The options are endless but the key here is to observe without any bias or controlling the outcome.
There are several types of other intuitive exercises you can do, such as blind reading, using crystals to enhance intuitive ability, playing with tarot cards, creating an intuitive game.
Again this is very individualistic and the more you practice, you will identify your style, and soon it will become an innate quality. In future blog posts, I can cover detailed steps of some of these exercises if you are interested!
Intuition is a powerful force that can help us make the right decision, especially in situations where we don’t have all the relevant information or where we need to make a decision instantly. The beauty of it is that our intuition keeps growing and developing as we go through life.
By learning how to harness and use our intuition, we can become better at making decisions, with successful outcomes most times. To make matters even better, intuition can be applied both in our personal as well as professional lives.
However, we should also note that our intuition can be wrong in some cases. The best option, therefore, is to use intuition to complement our rational decision-making processes, rather than relying on it alone.
So share with us if you have used any intuitive guidance in your life and what was it in the comments section below?
I would love to hear from you, so please tag me @iamtaslimbegum on Instagram.
Lots of love & light from my soul to yours!
P.S. Please remember to always consult with your doctor or health practitioner before trying any new health, diet or lifestyle practice.