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Top 5 Must Read Books to transform your life
Reading a book is an important part of my daily self-care routine. There is so much wisdom in these books. Not only reading helps me to sharpen my storytelling skills but also helps me to train my brain, increase holistic wellness, lower stress, and discover something new about myself & the world surrounding. There have been many times when I faced challenges in life, I felt this is only happening to me. But then I read a book and I understand how others also have faced similar challenges and how they overcame.
Every month on an average I read 2-3 books. Books majorly covering in areas of mindset, health & spirituality. While I can easily list down many books that have been transformational in my growth journey. Today I’m excited to share the top 5 books I’ve read in 2020 that had a profound impact on my life this year.
These books outline ideas, wisdom, practical tools and techniques that can be applied immediately in life to achieve extraordinary results. I have strategically selected these books which will help you to develop a growth mindset, design & manifest your dream life and align with your life purpose. These books are easy to read and full of practical tools and exercises to help you apply in daily life.
People who know me they know how much I’m obsessed with learning tools and techniques to continuously develop a growth mindset and create brain-heart coherence to live a fulfilling, abundant life.
This book simply delivers some of these key techniques and much more backed by scientific approach and studies. The book summarises how we all have the ability to become supernatural by entering the quantum field of “unlimited possibilities”. It explains techniques how by re-programming your mind you can manifest the future you want, the dream life you desire based on years of scientific studies.
I first heard of Joe Dispenza through the wonderful Impact Theory show. He was interviewed as part of his book promotion. His words and ideas captivated my attention for the next hour. Subsequently, I read this book earlier this year.
This book is a must-read if you want to better understand how your mind creates your reality. Thus changing your mindset you have the power of creating your future reality. This book perfectly creates a balanced connection between science and mysticism in my opinion.
Key Takeaways
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The author says that we all have the capacity to tune into frequencies that takes us beyond the material world and hook us into streams of consciousness and energy.
Once you learn to make your mind work at that higher level of frequency like love, gratitude, then you can intentionally change your body’s chemistry. At that point, you can heal holistically and create a new reality.
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Changing our bodies with our minds is scientifically explained with quantum physics. When we learn to access the quantum field, then we access a “field of unlimited possibilities” by leveraging quantum physics.
He explained about becoming more wave and less particle. He incorporated explanations from Quantum physics and talked about the unified field of everything.
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We as humans are wired. Thus we quite easily create and fall into certain habits, good or bad. If the habits are bad, they can be quite detrimental to our health and overall well-being alongside everyday stresses and challenges that life throws at us. As a result, we can create physical and mental diseases or simply just stuck in a rut.
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Joe Dispenza explains how by adopting certain meditation techniques, concentrating on energy centres within the body, feeling the emotion of your future self and doing all these things repetitively and consistently can lead to amazing ‘supernatural’ results. I enjoyed his in-depth explanation about heart intelligence and the pineal gland.
He explained in details how you can do certain exercises and meditations to stimulate the pineal gland into action. The apparent result can range from anything from visions to out of body experiences to fractal patterns to some kind of life-changing mystical experience.
I noticed a profound shift in my reality after simply applying a few techniques outlined in the book. I certainly believe I manifest things into reality more effortlessly now.
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The book presents a lot of stories and anecdotes on the power of self-healing and transformation which made the concept relatable.
One of my passion is to learn and understand different modality to heal our physical body holistically from inside out.
18 months ago I suffered from severe adult acne for the first time in my life. It massively negatively impacted my self-confidence and day to day life. Back then, I had a very clean diet and healthy lifestyle. So I wasn’t sure what exactly going on inside my body. I tried various treatments like topical cosmetic treatments, facial acupuncture, Lymphatic drainage massage, energy healing. While they all helped in certain ways, but I have noticed the major difference was after doing liver detox and incorporating foods into the diet which enhanced my body’s natural detoxification process.
This #1 New York Times best-selling author reveals how taking your liver off overload can help resolve a wide range of symptoms and conditions to transform your health in ways you’ve never imagined. This book certainly was a lifesaver which not only helped me to cure acne but empowered me with so much knowledge of how to better maintain this humble organ to promote holistic health.
I highly recommend this book if you want to empower and educate yourself with the knowledge of healthy liver functions and how to maintain to prevent diseases.
I certainly had not much knowledge of how many symptoms, conditions, and diseases are rooted in an overloaded liver. It’s not only about liver cancer, cirrhosis, and hepatitis. Nearly every challenge–from pesky general health complaints to digestive issues to emotional struggles to weight gain to high blood pressure to heart problems to brain fog to skin conditions to autoimmune and other chronic illnesses–has an origin in an overloaded liver and can improve and heal when we harness the force of this humble organ.
In this book, the author shares unparalleled insights into undiscovered functions of our life-saving livers explains what’s behind dozens of health issues that hold us back, and offers detailed guidance on how to move forward so we can live our best lives. You can learn how to sleep well, balance blood sugar, lower blood pressure, lose weight, and look and feel younger. A healthy liver is the ultimate de-stressor, anti-aging ally, and safeguard against a threatening world–if we give it the right support.
Key Takeaways
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The author explained in the basic terms the great science and importance of having a healthy liver function. After seeing the transformation on the first hand, I agree with the author’s statement that in today’s world this humble organ doesn’t get much publicity or showtimes like the other organs, brain or heart. Hence building awareness of this is crucial to promote holistic health.
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Our liver performs over 2,000 functions for the body, and many of them are naturally detoxifying. After reading this book, and all the indications given of a sluggish liver (pretty much everything I’d been gradually experiencing), I was super impressed to see the results after the 3:6:9 liver rescue program.
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The Liver rescue 3:6:9 is a nine-day eating plan made up of 3-day increments that gradually adjust your liver to let go. This is about digging deeper.
The first three days helps our liver to prepare, then the next three days focus on cleansing followed by the last three days on letting go by removing all toxins through the bloodstream for delivery out of our body.
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The book provides nutritional details of different fruits, vegetables and herbs that help our body’s natural detoxification process.
There are so many amazing recipes to try from this book if you fancy cooking or food lover like myself.
This book has truly transformed my life for the better in so many ways that I never imagined before. I can easily spend hours sharing in all areas of my life where I applied the art of surrendering inspired by this book and the incredible results I received. After reading this book, I gifted this book to many of my friends who also speak highly about this book.
I read this book at the beginning of the Covid-19. I truly believe, this book helped me surviving through this pandemic like a walk in the park. Not only I better handled my holistic wellbeing but I thrived in certain areas of life. If a book can change a life, for me this has to be “A Return To Love”.
During the 1960s, Helen Schucman, a professor of psychology at Columbia University, was told by an inner voice to transcribe a three-volume work called A Course in Miracles. Before long many study groups had formed all over the country to interpret this program of spiritual psychotherapy. This book is one teacher’s interpretation of that document.
In this book, the author explains that you don’t need to follow a specific religion to experience God or Divine or Universal power and infinite love. We can experience God/Universal power when we allow ourselves to let go. In the art of surrendering, you meet your authentic self and create your own reality. Marianne Williamson says that to experience more happiness, satisfaction and fulfilment, we need to allow all-powerful love in our life. All-powerful love means embracing God, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a Christian, Muslim or Buddhist God. Love encompasses any religion.
Marianne Williamson states how the principles of Hell, God, You, Surrender, and Miracles form a spiritual practice with ramifications that give meaning to relationships, work, physical body, and Heaven.
We can become miracle workers, according to Williamson, once we let our lives be unspooled in love. Living the good life has nothing to do with accumulating possessions or status or power. It has to do with serving others, expanding the abundance of love in the universe.
Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here. The spiritual journey is the relinquishment, or unlearning, of fear and the acceptance of love back in our hearts.
Marianne Williamson
Key Takeaways
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This book is divided into two parts where the first part explains the spiritual principles and the second part focuses on provided tactical tools to apply the concepts. Unlike other spiritual books which mainly focuses on abstract concepts, this book leaves you with actionable tools which you can apply immediately and see the transformative results.
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In the practice part, it provides practical tools backed by real-life stories to apply in areas of life like relationships, career, and body. After reading this book, I immediately applied the concepts at work and I was simply amazed to see the results.
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A major part of A Return To Love is devoted to relationships. You may find yourself going back to this section again and again if only to remember the person you could be. I certainly did.
It helped me see relationships through a different lens. The book particularly explains the distinctions about ‘special‘ or ‘ego’ relationships and ‘holy‘ ones. Unconditional love may be a hard thing to cultivate, but it brings rich rewards. It certainly can be cultivated over time with practice and open heart & mind. This is the most effective way to stay in peace with ourselves.
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This book helped me understand the concept of Miracles. A miracle does not have to mean turning water into wine. It is simply the occurrence of anything that was previously considered impossible to our own imagination.
Personal growth is usually about how we can engineer ourselves into better ways of acting and thinking. It may seem to involve a lot of work and responsibility. But if we practice the art of surrender, it suddenly becomes easier.
Williamson says she used to put miracles in the ‘pseudo-mystical-religious garbage category’. She later realized that it is reasonable to ask for them. When we decide to have a certain openness of mind and are committed to change, anything that seems beyond us can be offered up for transformation.
For the past few years, I was quite curious about understanding and learning about our energy body. More specifically how masculine and feminine energy works and influence over our mind, body & soul. Out of many books I’ve read on this topic, this is by far effective where the author breaks down this concept in easy to understand format.
This book a must-read and aid for someone like me who struggles to strike a balance between masculine & feminine traits from time to time in different areas of life.
In this book, David Deida explores every aspect of feminine energy practice. From sexuality and lovemaking to family and career, to emotions, trust, and commitment. Beautifully written as a collection of letters from a man to his dear lover the author invites to practice love as a living art, as you discover how to pick the man of deep integrity who will satisfy the needs of your body, heart, and spirit.
You can have everything and still be depressed until you learn that you are here as an offering. You are not here to get; you are here to give.
David Deida
Key Takeaways
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In this book, the author talks about give without expectation of any return. This generosity comes from a position of strength and is a completely different perspective from the eager-to-please “doormat” who puts everyone else’s needs first.
You have a deep need to give to those you love; it is only when we start keeping score that giving breeds resentment and poisons otherwise healthy impulses. Understanding this concept is not only crucial for romantic relationships but any other relationships as well.
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Remove the assumption that you “know” the other person, be it your partner or friend. This is certainly hard to do especially in a romantic relationship when you think you know all there is to know about your partner. How they think and feel.
But in this book the author stresses how important to have an explorer mindset in a relationship. Ask your partner questions. Take notes. Practice active listening and validate all assumptions.
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The author explains in details how often due to fear we guard our heart and subsequently attract partners who are not aligned with our values and life mission.
The author provides practical tools for how we can respond when we have heartache and when we go through three stages of love. This book guides how to pick a romantic partner with deep integrity, when to end a relationship and how to deal with that void.
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There are several daily exercises are outlined in this book which anyone can practice to embody more of feminine essence and create openness.
After listening to a recent podcast interview where Matthew McConaughey promoted this book, I had a strong inner urge to read this book. After reading this book, I can say now that this book has easily made to the top 5 best books I’ve ever read so far.
Before reading this book, I had a pre-conceived idea that it will be a good read. But oh boy, reading this book has been simply an exceptional joy. I finished the entire book in 6 hours.
This book is Matthew McConaughey’s memoir. In this book, he shares his core philosophy of what he calls “livin”. There is no ‘g’ on the end of livin because life is a verb,” he insists, which is a reasonable way to understand life, if not gerunds.
Throughout “Greenlights” the doctrine of “livin” manifests itself through aphorisms, bumper stickers and poetry.
The concept of Greenlights is that greenlights tell us to continue along our path, both in traffic as well as in life. We like finding a greenlight, though we recognise finding a greenlight is a combination of both skill and luck.
McConaughey also talks about how sometimes we come to red lights or yellow lights, but these can ultimately become greenlights. It may be a matter of timing, perhaps we needed our attention drawn to something before we proceed, or maybe even a bit of a detour. The idea though is to look at how we see challenges in life, and how we respond to them because that is up to the individual and that has everything to do with the outcome we get.

Key Takeaways
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Throughout the book, he shares his life stories of achieving success by hard work, following his intuition and the art of surrendering. I strongly resonated with his lens of looking life and how adversity can create a life worth living.
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McConaughey shares how catching greenlights is about skill, intent, context, consideration, endurance, anticipation, resilience, speed, and discipline. We can catch more greenlights by simply identifying where the red lights are in our life, and then change course to hit fewer of them. Catching greenlights is also about timing, the universe and ours. We can catch them by sheer luck by being in the right place and the right time.
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The author shares his practices which helped him to go in a high frequency or vibrational zone where he manifested all the success and fulfilment in life.
Where it’s a relationship, money or career, it is super important to align ourselves with higher vibrational frequency where we create from abundance mindset as opposed to from a place of lack/insecurity.
Share with us in the comments section below, what are the books that had a profound impact on your life?
I would love to hear from you, so please tag me @iamtaslimbegum on Instagram.
Lots of love & light from my soul to yours!
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P.S. Please remember to always consult with your doctor or health practitioner before trying any new health, diet, or lifestyle practice.