Images Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella on Unsplash
At that point in life, I was going through personal transformation and my mantra in life was to
Unlearn everything once taught to learn, experience or explore things with a beginner’s mind
Soon I discovered and quite blown away by the magical power of crystals and fascinated by its practical application when I incorporated in my life. The more I learned about it, the idea started making more sense to my very logical mind and resonated more.
Due to social media and self-care enthusiasts, the healing power of crystal got really popular in recent years even though it has been used from ancient times.
From bringing peace to the mind fighting depression, healing physical diseases, manifesting prosperity and abundance, the list is truly endless.
Crystals seem to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by positively interacting its own electromagnetic energy/vibration field with our body’s energy field or chakra.
A lot of celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Katy Perry, and Miranda Kerr are vouching for their efficacy and raving about them. Miranda Kerr even uses crystals in the manufacturing process of her skincare line Kora Organics. Crystal healing is now ranked among other forms of alternative and complementary medicine like acupuncture, yoga, Tai Chi.
Surely there must be something in it if all these people are raving and spending money on these crystals.
So today, you will learn the basics of crystals, the science behind, benefits, and recommendations of a few crystals to get you started in this journey.
If you are new to this idea or don’t resonate or seems to woo-woo, I still urge you to keep reading with an open mind. This might open up a door in your mind to explore something different and magical in the future as it did for me.
Otherwise, at least you might learn about new, beautiful crystals to incorporate in your home décor or add to your jewelry collection.
Things first created in mind before manifesting into reality”. So try for yourself before rejecting any idea.
How crystals are formed?
Crystals are millions of years old and were part of the earliest earth’s formation. A crystal is a unique solid material whose elements like atoms, molecules, or ions, are arranged in a highly ordered structure found in nature.
This highly ordered structure formation allows crystals to respond to the inputs of all surrounding energies to oscillate, emitting specific vibrational frequencies, and store information.
Each crystal has a different vibrational frequency or wavelength according to its own molecular properties. This is why you can find crystals are being used in computers, TVs, cell phones, satellites, and etc.
Some people claim that the use of crystals for healing goes back to the time of the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia and Egyptians.
The concept of modern crystal healing is based on traditional concepts from Asian ancient cultures like the Chinese, Hinduism, or Buddhism.
It is believed that the crystal’s electromagnetic energy field creates positive changes when it interacts with our own body’s electromagnetic energy field or 7 chakra’s points.
It amazes me thinking that these crystals were part of earth formation time and the amount of information, wisdom, and history it holds and passes it to generation after generations.
Is crystal healing Scientifically backed?
I know by now, you may have various questions in mind and specifically for my logical, skeptical minded friends who loves to back any new idea against factual scientific data points. So let’s get this first and most commonly asked question out of the way
“Is the crystal healing power scientifically proven?”
To save you google searches, the short and simple answer is there is a Placebo Effect at play when a patient interacts with crystal healing based on recent studies.
There is no actual evidence of the efficacy of crystal healing scientifically proven yet.
A placebo effect is a positive effect on a person’s health after taking an inactive treatment (sometimes called sugar pill) triggered by the person’s belief system in the benefits and positive expectations from the treatment. In other words, a person may feel better after undergoing crystal healing treatment, but there is no scientific proof that this result has anything to do with the crystals being used during the treatment.
Wait…. before you quit reading, keep in mind a few years ago the similar things were said for many alternative medical treatments like acupuncture, and etc. However, now this modality is heavily backed by science.
So, it’s just a matter of time to conduct more scientific studies to gain a deeper understanding of how crystal healing works. Until then, personally, I’m comfortable just believing in the power of the placebo effect as long as it’s serving the purpose.
However, let’s look at some of the more practical applications and benefits of crystals to incorporate in your daily life.
Crystal Usage
There are countless ways you can incorporate crystals into your life. However, here are some most common applications and benefits.
Deeper meditation
To enhance the quality of meditation or mindfulness sessions, crystals are highly effective and heavily used.
Before I tried this, I thought it’s overhyped by the spiritual communities. But soon I was proven to be wrong.
Once I incorporated crystals while meditating, I noticed a significant difference in the quality of those sessions. My monkey mind was less restless, more focused. My entire body and mind were more relaxed. I was more present and gained higher clarity.
Crystals helps you to feel more connected with nature and grounded. This is specifically important nowadays when we are more chained to electronics rather than spending enough time in nature.
Many people like me claim the calming effect of crystals by having them around. Even if you don’t understand or believe in the energy but by simply looking at crystals makes you good then it’s serving its purpose.
Raise higher vibrational energy
This is something I swear by for getting the benefits.
Some crystals are known for their high vibrational qualities or properties. When we come across these crystals, its electromagnetic field connects with ours helping to raise our overall aura to a higher vibrational field to experience positive emotions like joy, peace, happy, energized and etc.
The overall results are uplifting our mood, mind, and health.
You can think this similar to how essential oils and aromatherapy work.
Absorbing low energies
Everything in the universe including us are made of energies at the core. Certain crystals can help to absorb the negative or low vibrational energies like a magnet while welcome fresh vibes.
Have you ever noticed how drained sometimes you feel after you spend time with any specific individual or after visiting some places when your logical mind can’t seem to explain why?
This is probably because of the low vibrational energy. This is similar to the way you might start feeling angry or hostile if you are next to a person who is angry, screaming, yelling, and being hostile.
Holistic healing
Crystals work by channelizing and balancing our energy levels focusing on healing to occur from the inside out. It interacts with the body’s chakras and promotes physical and mental wellness.
If used in a certain way, it can also improve concentration, creativity, and help to manifest abundance and prosperity. It can promote physical, emotional, and spiritual cleansing.
How to select crystals?
Every crystal serves different purposes and there is a crystal for almost everything.
It really depends on individual preferences. Reflect any area of your life, where you want to make enhancements or changes, and consider the crystals that can promote those benefits.
However, in my opinion, the best way to get started is by visiting a crystal shop and browsing by yourself.
Whichever crystal draws your attention, makes you feel calm, happy, joyful, excited, or sparks curiosity in you, buy that one. The crystal has to speak to you so to say.
There is absolutely no way you can go wrong if you follow your gut or intuition. You just have to trust in your intuition or gut feeling. There have been many times when I went to the shops thinking to buy something specific but ended up buying something different on that day.
One important point, ensure to check the source of the crystals and ensure it’s ethically sourced. I only buy crystal from shops that I can trust and know the actual lineage of the crystals.
As crystal carries energies it’s important to ensure coming from a positive and pure source.
Here are some recommendations of crystals you can consider to get started which are available and commonly used for their specific qualities or benefits.

Rose Quartz
This is one of my favourite, and first bought crystals. Rose Quartz represents and enhances all the energy forms of love – universal love, self-love, love for humanity, unconditional love by activating the fourth chakra – Heart chakra.
Rose quartz genuinely does wonders for me to enhancing more self-love and universal love.
This crystal promotes positive energy, raises self-esteem, restores confidence, balances emotional state, enhances trust, improves relationships, and releases stress/tension/anger.

Black Obsidian
This is related to the first chakra – the root chakra helps you to become more grounded and helps to protect from physical and emotional negativity.
It promotes courage, provides mental clarity, and helps to remove emotional blockages.

Clear Quartz
This crystal is considered a master healer as it magnifies energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating it. It is connected with the seventh chakra – the Crown chakra connected with our intuition or higher self.
It amplifies thoughts and vibrations of other crystals helping concentration and memory. It also helps to stimulate the immune system and balance out your entire body.

Amethyst related to the sixth – third eye and seventh – crown chakras.
It contains incredibly healing and purifying power to counteract negative thoughts and bring humility, sincerity, and spiritual wisdom.
Physically, it is believed to bring hormonal balances, cleanse the blood, and relieve pain and stress.

I consider Citrine is an all-rounder crystal energizing at every level in our mind, body & soul.
It cleanses all chakras and opens the intuition.
Citrine believed to attracts wealth, prosperity, and success. It activates joy, delight, enthusiasm, motivation, creativity, and self-expression.
It can bring much physical healing for balancing hormones, diabetes management, kidney diseases, etc.
How to use crystals?
- Set intentions – after buying and cleansing crystals, the next step is to set intentions to the crystals.
As an example, if I buy Rose Quartz, I would hold the crystals, they would think and feel of giving and receiving unconditional love towards myself, and all universal beings. My intention would then be implanted on the crystal and it will emanate the same vibrations towards my energy field.
Initially, if you don’t feel anything or this seems way woo-woo to you then, try to at least think of the reasons why you purchased in the first place. That will do the job for now.
- Proximity – keep the crystals close by so that your energy field can be heightened by the crystal’s energy.
You can keep next to your bed, in your purse, office desk, or anywhere at your home. You can also meditate with them by holding them in your hand. This is usually my way of keeping connected with crystal energy.
How to clean crystals?
Crystals should be regularly cleaned to ensure its energy field is clear. It’s almost resetting and recharging its energy field. With use, it might get stale by picking up surrounding energies.
There are a few different ways to clean crystals, some of my personal preferences are below-
- Washing under running tap water or in the ocean once the first time you buy. Afterward, every few weeks repeat the same depending on how often you carry or use.
- Wash them in saltwater as salt purifies and absorbs negative energy. However, please ask the store where you buy to ensure it’s safe to do so as some crystals may lose its potency.
- Leave the crystals out in the moonlight preferably during the full moon to cleanse and recharge. Lunar energy helps cleanse and strengthening its electromagnetic field.
- Run the crystals under the smoke of burnt sage or spray with sage spay to purify.
So share with us if this the concept of crystal healing resonates with you? Which crystals are you going to try and why?
I would love to hear from you, so please tag me @iamtaslimbegum on Instagram and leave me a comment below.
Lots of love & light from my soul to yours!
P.S. Please remember to always consult with your doctor or health practitioner before trying any new health, diet, or lifestyle practice.