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4 super healing herbs for body and Mind
In the pursuit to create an abundant and fulfilling life, we first must intentionally create a solid and strong foundation for both our physical and mental health. Whether your goal is to achieve a healthy body or take your mind power to the next level, this blog post can be a game-changer.
Don’t let the simplicity of this concept to fool you. Herbs have been used for medicinal benefits from ancient times across all cultures and regions. This was one of the key ways to support holistic health and wellness as plants and herbs naturally work synergistically with our bodies. For centuries, people have been incorporating herbs into their food culture and medicine to support vitality. Plants have profound impacts on our body and mind.
Have you ever noticed how calm you feel when you are out in nature? That’s not a coincidence. Being in nature and surrounded by plants help reduce our body’s stress hormone called cortisol.
While all the herbs provide holistic benefits, still some are dense with specific nutrients to promote healing and wellbeing in certain parts of our body.
So today I’ve selected four herbs that you can get started. So enjoy reading!
Healing power of herbs
Super Herbs for body
Focus is to improve digestion, reduce inflammation and promote vitality.
01. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) – Blood purifier
Although in recent years, turmeric has gained popularity in the health industry, the actual use of turmeric dates back nearly 4000 years to the Vedic culture in India.
Turmeric has a long history of medicinal use in Ayurveda and as a culinary spice in India.
This golden spice comes from the root of the perennial Curcuma longa plant, now widely available and highly effective for both topical use and internal consumptions.
Promotes digestions and immune system.
Significantly helps to ease chronic inflammation and reduction of oxidative stress.
Cancer Prevention
Protect against cancer and the development of tumors due to antibacterial and anti-viral properties.

Turmeric contains a high amount of curcumin, a substance known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It was found in the history that, during wartime, turmeric was used soldiers wound healing.
For internal consumption, turmeric can be used as raw, powder, tablet, or liquid extract form. To increase higher absorption by the body use with a dash of black pepper.
- Smoothies – Small cube of raw turmeric blended in smoothies
- Curries – Turmeric in raw paste or powder form
- Golden milk – Raw or powder form boiling with milk
Topical use
- Mixing with yogurt in a paste to apply on the skin.
Nourishes the heart and circulatory system. Manage sugar levels and overall balances Ayurveda Dosha’s.
Skin diseases
Fights against skin diseases like chronic acne.
Brain Functions
Improve brain functions and lower the risk of brain diseases by increasing the growth of new neurons. It helps with depression. Potential prevention against Alzheimer’s disease
O2. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - Digestive fire keeper
Like turmeric, ginger is from the same family of Zingiberaceae, also well-known for its versatile culinary use and medicinal properties in both Chinese and Indian culture.
Ginger is packed with a pungent compound called Gingerols which is anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory.
Blood Sugar
Ginger can drastically lower blood sugars and improve heart disease risk factors.
Remove Toxins
Due to the healing properties, ginger also helps with burning toxins within our body and also helps to prevent any new toxin build-ups.
Joints Support
Supports healthy joints, reduces osteoarthritis pain, and soothe sore muscles.

Due to the warming quality of ginger, it is great for digestions along with many other health and remedial benefits.
Both fresh and ground ginger are beneficial. Now ginger can be also available in tablet format.
- Enjoy ginger tea in the morning to wake up digestive system before having breakfast.
- Ginger can be easily incorporated in small quantities with any meal, salads, soups, curries, smoothies, etc.
Morning Sickness
It’s highly effective in soothing morning sickness and nausea.
Its anti-inflammatory quality helps shooting stomach ache, protect against stomach ulcers, and treat menstrual cramps.
Promotes strong digestion and increases metabolism. Ginger helps to better absorb nutrients from food creating easy post-digestive experience reducing gas that can occur with weak, sluggish digestion.
Super Herbs for mind
Focus is to improve brain functions, reduce adrenal fatigue and promote vitality.
O3. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – Vitality
The name of this herbs comes from a Sanskrit word “ashwagandha” translates as “the smell of a horse,” (Ashwa—horse, Gandha—smell). This adaptogenic herb is known for bringing the strength and stamina of a horse.
Ashwagandha deeply supports many tissues and body systems, including the immune system, the reproductive system, and thyroid. This is an all-rounder herb promoting overall health and nervous system benefits.
Ashwagandha origin can be traced back to India, northern Africa, and the Middle East and belongs to the nightshade or Solanaceae family, the same family as tomatoes and potatoes.
Energy Booster
It sustains vital energy levels throughout the day while fostering deep, healthy sleep at night.
Increase overall vitality, strength & muscle mass.
Adrenal Fatigue
Highly effective in reducing adrenal fatigue by lowering cortisol- stress hormones

This is a unique powerful herb that is both an energy booster for the body but at the same time rejuvenating and calming on the nervous system promoting overall health and wellbeing.
This herb is traditionally used as a powder but now is available and can be taken in a tablet, or a liquid extract. The actual root is also tasty and can be easily incorporated with a daily meal if available in raw form.
You can enjoy taking the powder form with ghee (or other healthy fat) mixed with water or warm milk and honey before bed. Healthy fats help the nutrients to go into the deeper cellular level.
Hormonal Balance
Promotes healthy reproductive system in both males and females. Also, balances thyroid health and other hormones.
Ayurveda Dosha
Balances Vata and Kapha in excess in Ayurvedic Dosha because of its warming quality.
Brain Functions
Improve memory, brain functions, and response time
O4. Brahmi – (Bacopa monnieri) - Brain Superfood
Ever wondered how ancient religious scholars in India could memorize lengthy sacred hymns and scriptures? The secret lies in a beautiful magical plant called Bacopa monnieri.
This brain superfood is named after Brahma – the creator god according to the Hindu religion. “Brahmi” is a Sanskrit word that refers to the universal consciousness. This star herb is heavily used in Ayurveda medicine for enhancing cognitive abilities, memory power, and treating mental health conditions.
Bacosides is the active compound found in Bacopa monnieri which have antioxidant effects in the brain. The origin of this herbs is traced back to India and was first found around the 6th century A.D. in ancient Sanskrit books referred to as a powerful herb to improve memory and intelligence.
Memory Power
Significantly enhance cognitive abilities, strengthen memory power and intelligence.
Improves focus, concentration, and reduce Attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) disorder symptoms.
Joint Support
Support healthy joints by clearing toxins build-ups allowing freedom of movement.

This powerful herb balances both the left (analytical) and right (intuitive) hemispheres of our brain. It also balances of both the masculine and feminine energy in us allowing us to experience full consciousness. It also helps with decalcifying and opening up the pineal gland – the endocrine gland in our brain that’s associated with intuition or Crown Chakra.
External Use – The Brahmi oil or powder in paste form (as a face mask) can be applied to the skin for promoting healthy glowing skin, healing scars. This is also useful for hair growth if applied and massaged into the scalp. Another useful benefit of Brahmi oil is massaging in the joints to enhance mobility.
Internal Use– Internally Brahmi can be taken as a powder, a tablet, or liquid extract. You can enjoy Brahmi tea (brewing Brahmi leaves in water) in the morning to rejuvenate. Alternatively, you can boil the powder with carrier milk or ghee to boost extra nutrients. Another popular carrier is ginger or cardamom with milk.
Balance Mental State
Promotes a balanced emotional state and strengthens intuitive power. Great for enhancing the quality of meditation sessions.
Ayurveda Dosha
Balances all Ayurvedic Dosha types specifically pacifying Pitta Dosha in excess.
Hair & Skin
Promote healthy skin, hair, and growth of new cells.
Share with us in the comments section below, which herb you are going to incorporate in your diet and lifestyle?
I would love to hear from you, so please tag me @iamtaslimbegum on Instagram.
Lots of love & light from my soul to yours!
P.S. Please remember to always consult with your doctor or health practitioner before trying any new health, diet, or lifestyle practice.