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How to integrate masculine & feminine energy to create balance in life?

By personality, I’m very driven in life. Over the years, I created an imbalance in my life due to my demanding career and lifestyle choices I’ve made in the past. Without realizing, I was very focused on outcomes, goals, and milestones. As soon as I finish one goal I straightway move to the next one.

Everything was structured and routine in my life. I was on constantly in driving seat and trying to make things happen. My definition of productivity was doing things all day long. I even viewed sleep as a waste of time. While it served me to achieve certain things in life but it also created a huge imbalance in my overall health & wellbeing. At one point, doing everything seemed struggled to me. I was burnout, lost creativity, motivation and sense of purpose.  

When I started to learn more about energy, I realized my masculine energy was imbalanced and way dominant over my natural feminine traits. I didn’t even realise when I stopped embracing my divine feminine energy. I was so lost in touch my own body, intuition and all the feminine superpowers.   

As soon as, I started to slowly incorporate and embrace more of my feminine essence in daily life, the real shift started to happen. Now life flows effortlessly.

We all have both masculine and feminine energy regardless of our gender. These energies are always pulsing within us. However, we often forget to embrace and acknowledge both. The magic happens once we create a balance. When these energies are out of balance creates diseases, anxiety, depression, burnout, anger and creative longing.

Understanding these energies makes connecting to our inner authentic self and wisdom easier. When your energies are in harmony you’ll feel a greater sense of purpose, peace, connection and compassion. You’ll feel life flows through effortlessly. You will achieve greater success and abundance. You’ll have radiant health and full of vitality.

Understanding and applying this concept is just not only beneficial for personal life but equally for your career. You will become a better leader. You’ll develop empathy for others in the team. You will be comfortable to nurture relationships, be open & vulnerable. Your employees or team members will feel more engaged and go the extra mile to achieve goals. When I started to embrace more of my feminine traits, I became a more compassionate leader. My team became high performing team achieve major goals.

The concept of masculine and feminine energy is evident in ancient cultures. In Chinees culture, it calls Yin (feminine energy) Yang (masculine energy). In yoga, it is known as Shiva (masculine energy) Shakti (feminine).

However, traditionally we are taught that we are either male or female with zero discussion on the fact that we all have both essences in their energy body. The modern society has separated these two for past hundreds of years without much of discussion on how a female should embrace the masculine side or a male should approach his feminine side.

Historically, masculinity has been viewed as superior while feminine essence has been neglected. Mostly men have been raised to believe that they have to be strong and shouldn’t cry. Over the years, women have become independent, driving outcomes, leading changes. This shift in energies created more difficulty leading balanced lives nowadays. We are getting distanced from our authentic self.

I’m so excited to share more about these two energies in this blog post. Keep reading to learn each energy type, how it affects wellbeing, and how to incorporate this into your life. By the end of this post, you’ll be inspired to develop an awareness of an imbalance in your life and ways to bring back to harmony.

What is the energy body?

Before we deep dive into this concept, let’s first understand the basics of the energy body.

Everything around us is made of energy at core. Energy, or Prana, is the life force also present within us. Our human body consists of five energy layers. The first layer is our physical body, which has weight, shape, and volume. This is the most familiar one to us. We can see it, touch it, and envisage its reflection in the mirror. 

But there are four other energy fields surrounding our physical body that are not so easily seen or familiar to mass. 

These are etheric, emotional, mental & spiritual energy fields. Together these five collective energy fields made up what we call our energy body or Aura. These layers are where our mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional characteristics are stored. Visually, the energy body is often depicted as a halo around the physical body that closely follows the body’s outline.

This energy body can be in balance or out of balance throughout our life span. This is why it’s crucial to carefully investigate the root cause of diseases so that holistic healing or treatment can take place when physical and mental illness occurs.  

The concept of the energy body and holistic treatment has been found in the majority of ancient cultures. In India, it called Prana, Chi in China, and Ki in Japan. 

In our energy body, we all have masculine and feminine energy. The masculine and feminine energy has nothing to do with gender. It is present in all of us and everything in nature surrounding us. Typically, each of us tends to have one of the energy as dominant energy. 

Nature teaches us how these energies are present in everything in perfect harmony. Sun represents the masculine while the moon is nurturer feminine. The right side of our body is masculine and left is feminine. Fire is masculine and water is feminine. There are binaries that exist in nature. These energies are each essential and fundamental for the existence of the other. 

The masculine and feminine energies have direct real effects on our lives, more than you can imagine. Our thinking, feelings, behaviours, and actions are heavily influenced by these dominant energies. We are at our best when masculine and feminine energies are balanced. When balanced, our body is healthiest – full of energy, our mind is calm & focused and we are in tune with our soul. 

On the contrary, if imbalanced, it directly negatively impacts on our body creating diseases, mental illness, relationship issues, career suffers. In summary, our entire life falls out of alignment.

That’s why it’s crucial to be aware of the imbalances early so that you can create harmony.

Masculine & Feminine Energy

What is Masculine & Feminine Energy?

Masculine energy is stable, more predictable. Its strengths are willpower, clarity, focus, doing and giving.

The masculine energy likes to create structures and rules, so it knows how to apply the logic. He thinks in the linear mode. He knows to reach to point B, he has to go through Point A first. That’s why he is structured, follows the plan.

The masculine energy has a beautiful gift of clarity. It knows what needs to be done to achieve something and it will drive outcomes till the end. 

The divine feminine energy is free-flowing, dynamic, unpredictable and unrestricted. Her strengths are knowing guided by intuition, manifestations. She thinks in circular mode. Her moves can’t be explained with the rational mind. She loves to challenge the social norms as guided by intuition from the heart. The feminine energy needs expression and creation. 

There is a myth that feminine energy is weaker. This is furthest from the truth. You can think of feminine energy as water. At times, it is a calm river and other times it becomes forceful by flooding.

The core of feminine energy is a creation out of thin air. Unlike the masculine energy, the feminine energy doesn’t need to apply structured methods or formula. She is a great magnetizer and things just simply come her way.

The feminine energy can see the possibilities that are invisible to logical masculine energy. When we create from our feminine energy, we tap into intuition and receive guidance from their higher selves.

By healing our internal divisions and fully accepting ourselves as we are, we learn to accept and empower our sexual core, and we learn to honour our unique expression of Masculine and Feminine gifts. We fully incarnate in our bodies, at home and at ease in a man's body or a woman's body. And we learn to love with complete abandon, as free men and women, without rules or roles or guarded hearts.

David Deida

How to embrace more masculine energy?

01  Breathing

if you know me, you can see it coming! Yes, the simple art of breathing can be a great tool to balance energies in our body. Particularly alternate nostril breathing is also known as Nadi Shodhana is an uplifting and calming breathing practice that works in just a few minutes.

This practices work directly work with the right and left sides of our body and brain to cultivate harmony and mental clarity. It helps us clear blocked energy in our chakra streams in the body.

02 Take 100% Complete Ownership Of Your Life

If your feminine energy is dominant and you’re wounded, you are likely to feel sorry for yourself and throw a pity-party. You may want to blame everything external and others except yourself. So here is the bad news. No one is coming to save you BUT the good news is you can 100% co-create your dream life with the universe.

When my life hit rock bottom in 2017, I deeply realized this fact and the only way I could rebuild my life was by taking 100% ownership. My dominant masculine energy served me well that time by taking charge of my actions to create this abundant and fulfilling life I’m living now. 

One of the best ways to bring back harmony is by taking accountability and charge of own actions and choices. Whether its health, wealth, mindset, relationships or any other areas of life, it can get better once you take charge of it. You can always start by taking small actions. It could be simply just by making your bed in the morning from now onwards.

03 Find freedom in discipline

Often discipline is perceived as a rigid thing. But in reality, it allows you to create amazing results and achieve success in life. Masculine energy craves structures and routine.

When I started religiously following my daily routines, I started to see incredible results. Losing 35kgs weights over 4 months, gaining new skills, reading more books, working on side projects alongside a full-time career to name a few. It’s not that suddenly I had more time in a day but being disciplined and following daily routine allowed me to structure my day better.

Ask yourself – which areas of your life right now missing structure? Is it health, finance, or relationships? Once identified, simply commit to it.

04  Feel and express your feelings deeply

The masculine energy doesn’t know how to process emotions. He finds challenging to express and become empathetic towards himself, or others.

Set aside some time daily to connect with nature, your inner self and invest in developing deeper relationships. Journaling can be a great tool to express your feelings. Practice active listening and be present when you are with others. Open your heart and be vulnerable by sharing a little more than you allow yourself to.

How to embrace more feminine energy?

01  Breathing

As mentioned earlier, practice deep breathing using alternate-nostrils.

This practice will help remove stagnate energies across all chakra systems in the body.

02 Creativity

Feminine energy longs to express herself through creativity. To embrace more feminine energy, engage in creative projects, activities.

This can be painting room or canvas, signing for a dance class, colouring book, listening to soothing music, gardening or anything that your heart desires. 

03 Nurture

Nurturing life is a strong female trait. Nurture yourself, others and anything surrounding like plants etc. Nurture and nourish your physical body, mind and soul.

Eat fresh wholesome foods, incorporate movement, and deep rest. Create a self-care ritual that allows you to use all of your five senses. Play your favourite music, eat that dark chocolate, light candles, laugh more often, practice stillness, meditate, etc.

One of the fastest ways to activate feminine energy is by moving your body. Whether that means going for a walk in a forest, stretching out in a yoga class, or dancing to your favourite music in your bedroom, your feminine energy will always be activated by movement.

One of my favourite way of connecting with my body by using dry body brush and oil massage.

04  Sharpen your Intuition

Feminine is all about knowing. Feminine use intuition as a compass to navigate through life. Often we think our analytical mind knows the best.

But in reality, our higher-self can see and feel things that our logical mind can’t. Practice and sharpen your intuition. In this blog post, I share easy tips on how you can develop your intuition right now.

05 The Art of Surrender

Oh boy…..If 2020 has taught me something well, would be the art of surrender. Surrender can be empowering and liberating.

It’s one of the innate quality of feminine essence. I write this blog post where I go in detail about this topic. Please check out. 

06  Receive 

Feminine energy receives. By receiving love, energy, attention your deep well of feminine energy will be filled up.

This is something that doesn’t come naturally to me. I’m a natural giver. I used to feel uncomfortable receiving help from others. So I had to put this in practice in my life.

Get comfortable to receive. Whether it’s a massage, compliments, helping hands it doesn’t matter. Welcome every opportunities to receive when the universe brings to you. 

Share with us in the comments section below if you resonate with this concept.
I would love to hear from you, so please tag me @iamtaslimbegum on Instagram.
Lots of love & light from my soul to yours! 

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